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Dragi nastavnici/ce, univerzitetski nastavnici/ce i studenti/kinje i-budući nastavnici,

Dobrodošli na platformu Film u nastavi!

Ideja da se metodika rada sa filmom kao nastavnim sredstvom uvede kao predmet u visokoškolsko obrazovanje, nastala je 2016. godine u saradnji Slobodna Zona Junior programa (Fond B92) i organizacije People in Need/Čovek u nevolji. Podržana sredstvima Nacionalne zadužbine za demokratiju (National Endowment for Democracy), ideja je zaživela nakon stupanja u kontakt sa Centrom za obrazovanje nastavnika Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, a kroz projekat „Uvođenje novih pristupa u građanskom obrazovanju“.  Školske 2016/2017. godine akreditovan je kurs  Film u nastavi na master programu namenjenom obrazovanju nastavnika i programu celoživotnog učenja pod nazivom Obrazovanje nastavnika predmetne nastave.

Tokom tri godine, projektu su se pridružili i profesori i docenti sa  Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu, Fakulteta pedagoških nauka u Jagodini Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Akademije Umetnosti u Novom Sadu, Univerziteta u Prizrenu i Đakovici i Fakulteta umetnosti u Beogradu, kao i članovi nevladine organizacije DokuFest iz Prizrena.

Kako bi se korišćenje filmova u nastavi dalje razvijalo, ali i postalo dostupno drugim zainteresovanim studentima, profesorima, nastavnicima i drugim stručnim radnicima i organizacijama, nastala je i ova platforma.

Zahvaljujemo se svima koji doprinose da se upotrebom dokumentarnih angažovanih filmova u cilju podizanja svesti o ljudskim pravima i demokratskim vrednostima, unapredi obrazovanje mladih generacija.

Program Slobodna Zona Junior (Fond B92)  i People in Need


Dear teachers, university professors and students – future teachers,

Welcome to platform Teaching with film!

The idea to introduce the methodology of working with film as a teaching tool as a subject in higher education was created in 2016 in collaboration between Free Zone Junior Program (Fund B92) and the organization People in Need. Supported by funds from the National Endowment for Democracy, the idea came to life after contacting the Teacher Education Center of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, through the project “Introducing New Approaches to Civic Education.” In the school year 2016/2017, Teaching with film course was accredited for the master program intended for teacher education and a lifelong learning program called Teacher Education for subject teaching.

In last three years, the project was joined by professors and docents from the Faculty of Philosophy University of Niš, the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences in Jagodina the University of Kragujevac, the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, the University of Prizren and Gjakova and the Faculty of Arts in Belgrade, as well as members of the NGO DokuFest from Prizren.

In order to further develop the usage of films in teaching, but also to make it accessible to other interested students, professors, teachers and other professionals and organizations, this platform has been created.

We thank everyone who contributes to the advancement of education of young generations through the use of documentary engaging movies to raise awareness on human rights and democratic values.

Free Zone Junior Programme (Fund B92) and People in Need